Full Name: The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

Created: 1945.

Mission: To build a culture of peace, sustainable development and intercultural dialogue through education, the sciences, culture, communication and information.

How does it work?

UNESCO’s primary decision-making body is the General Conference, comprising all 195 member states. It meets every 2 years to set the policies and programs of the agency. It is overseen by a Director-General, who is appointed every four years.

Programs: UNESCO’s activities are focused on five areas.

  •  Attaining quality education for all and promoting lifelong learning
  •  Mobilizing scientific knowledge and policy for sustainable development
  •  Addressing emerging social and ethical challenges
  •  Fostering cultural diversity, intercultural dialogue and a culture of peace
  •  Building inclusive knowledge societies through information and communication

Observances: UNESCO observes 40 International Days, including International Women’s Day on March 8, World Press Freedom Day on May 3, World Teachers’ Day on October 5 and International Migrants Day on December 18.