5 Things You Didn´t Know About Moms!

5 Things You Didn´t Know About Moms!

1. There is no other person that will love you more than your mom.

2. Moms can hear their baby crying even in their sleep.

3. They can also distinguish their own child´s voice from a large group of kids.

4. Every mom has a “Motherly Instinct” to tell when a situation can be dangerous for their kids.

5. No matter what you do, Mom will always be there for you.Happy Mothers´ Day!

5 Things You didn´t Know About Children’s Day.

5 Things You didn´t Know About Children’s Day.

By Coach Mily
1. Mexico is one of the few countries that celebrates kids in April, other countries celebrate it in November according to UNICEF´s suggestion.

2. It was originally celebrated on November 20th but it was changed because it is the same day we celebrate Mexico´s Revolution Day.

3. Kids were forced to participate in that Revolution, that´s why it was so important to make adults stand up for their right to enjoy their childhood.

4. Ginebra´s declaration of Children´s Rights was signed almost a decade after the First World War in 1924 with all the obligations adults have over kids.

5. Here we adopted the Boys and Girls´ Law that has over 20 concepts to defend their rights.

5 Things You didn´t Know About Children’s Day.

5 things you didn’t know about birds.

By Coach Mily
1. Chickens are the closes relatives to tyrannosaurus rex.

2. Hummingbirds beat their wings up to 90 times per second.  
3. The goose was the first bird to be domesticated by man.

4. Swans are extremely loyal partners, they have only one mate xtremely loyal partners, they have only one mate for life.

5. Swans are the most loyal partner, they have only one mate for life.

5 Things You didn´t Know About Children’s Day.

5 Things You didn´t know about Daylight Saving (horario de verano)

By Coach Mily
1. It was first used in 1908 in Canada to preserve daylight hours in winter and in Mexico in 1996.

2. Nowadays there are more than 70 countries that use it.

3. It will make you happier because of vitamin D’s absorption that the Sun brings us.

4. Improves your sleeping. By having more daylight time you can have more activities, get tired, and sleep better.

5.  You will save money! This schedule allows savings in your electric bill. 

5 Things You didn´t Know About Children’s Day.

5 things you didn’t know about Spring all over the world.

1. In spring, Monarch butterflies begin their long journey back to the United States after spending the winter in Mexico. 
2. . In the North Pole, the spring season means six months of uninterrupted sunlight. However, in the South Pole, spring brings six months of constant darkness.
 3. Every Spring in Australia (when the northern hemisphere is experiencing autumn), a unique cloud formation called Morning Glory clouds appear. 

4. In Japan, the arrival of spring is signalled by the blooming of sakura, Japan’s national flower. When this occurs, they will celebrate Hanami by sitting beneath a sakura tree and having a picnic.

5. In Denmark, more than a million starlings gather into a single flock. Together, they create amazing, awe-inspiring shapes in the sky. The phenomenon is called sort sol (Danish for “black sun)

5 Things You didn´t Know About Children’s Day.

5 things you didn’t know about Down Syndrome

5 things you didn't know about Down Syndrome

1. It is the most common genetic condition

2. People with the condition are capable of doing many things. Some own their own business, play musical instruments, run marathons or become actors/actresses.

3. People with Down syndrome understand what you are saying to them and about them. They have the same hopes and dreams in life as you and me.

4. It is caused by the presence of a third copy of the 21st  chromosome. This makes them a little extra ordinary, having 47 chromosomes instead of 46 (23 from each parent).

5. Humans are the only known species that can survive this genetic anomaly.