Celebrate Children’s Day

Celebrate Children’s Day

Smile – it’s Children’s Day in Mexico!

Schools host special events inviting parents to celebrate and share Children’s Day with students. Parties are held and children take part in activities like face painting, story-telling, art workshops, and plays.

Public Life

Children’s Day is a national observance in Mexico.

About Children’s Day

Children’s Day has been celebrated annually in Mexico since 1925. Children are recognized as an important part of society so the day focuses on the importance of loving, accepting and appreciating children.

Paper: Convierte tu iPad en un lienzo con esta app

Paper: Convierte tu iPad en un lienzo con esta app


La aplicación Paper es considerada una de las mejores aplicaciones para iPad dibujo. La utilizan más de 25 millones de personas. Su propuesta es sencilla y muy útil. Puedes crear diferentes libretas y dentro de ella añadir tantas hojas como necesites. Tienes varios pinceles a tu disposición y herramientas para dibujar y escribir. ¡Todo lo que necesites! Además, hay un mezclador de colores para personalizar los tonos a tu gusto.

5 Things You didn´t know about Daylight Saving (horario de verano)

5 Things You didn´t know about Daylight Saving (horario de verano)

By Coach Mily
1. It was first used in 1908 in Canada to preserve daylight hours in winter and in Mexico in 1996.

2. Nowadays there are more than 70 countries that use it.

3. It will make you happier because of vitamin D’s absorption that the Sun brings us.

4. Improves your sleeping. By having more daylight time you can have more activities, get tired, and sleep better.

5.  You will save money! This schedule allows savings in your electric bill.